Saturday, April 28, 2007

जब जब शिवजी आये

s h i v a

another sound for the energy of life...
when we resonate and reverberate with our natural sound
we find ...rather feel it...
was pretty scared when this happenned...
everywhere was shiva
they said!!!
want nothing...
you are nothing...
so soon i became nothing...
then you discover the infinite...
and wonder oh we wonder...
and then we find everything...

need we say more ...


Friday, April 27, 2007

शिवा बोले

हार एक का कुशी कम से भर जाये

( हमारी संस्क्र्त
, जो हम भूल रहे है )

तो सम्प्त्रुप्थी हर जगह

बूम बूम बूम्

छोटा दुम्म मरूओ

अरे भगवन से कुछ और मत मांगो

सुब कुछ ( already ) दे चूका है बाबा...


हे भाई जरा देख के चलो

बूम बूम बूम

_बूम बूम बूम

__बूम बूम बूम

____ शिवा नाचे
____ नाचे शिवा
_________ शिवा महा देवा
बूम बूम बूम

छोटा दम मरो

आओ हम सुब मिलके
हमारा दुनिया स्वाच बनाए


Thursday, April 26, 2007

of water and weed

a new life, a birth, many deaths ,

thats what we are, destroyers of harmony,
un_natural..., we seek and pleasure in,

well lets say you desire something...
so even before you have desired it...
it had to be born,
to be there for you to even desire it...
give in to our most natural desires...
to make earth whole again...
balance your energy of life...
seed not greed...

glad to hear of the phased withdrawel ... ???

the people have felt it ...
from their hearts...
the vibrations...

trees, bush'es... must sway...
to the fundamental vibration ...
of shiva ...
